Past Endodontic Study Topics
Success in Endodontics by preventing complaints
Aim: To discuss and identify some of the common areas which can cause complaints and claims in endodontic practice.
Discussion on what is actually a complaint and why we want to avoid complaints.
What are the common areas in endodontic complaints?
What should you do if you get a complaint
Delegates will review a few complaints in groups. This will allow them to discuss the complaints in order to risk manage/ and plan their future practice to avoid complaints.
Non Dental Facial Pain. A Practical Guide
Aim: To identify some of the types of non dental facial pain which can be confused as being of endodontic origin.
Participants should gain a better understanding of non dental facial pain and their diagnosis.
The outcome of root canal treatments and retreatments assessed with CBCT: what is changing in clinical practice?
The outcome of endodontic treatments is conventionally assessed using periapical radiographs, however in the last 6 years at least 6 outcome studies have used Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) for the same purpose. These studies have shown a significantly lower success rate compared to that normally observed with periapical radiographs and more importantly they have provided new information which can significantly affect the management of endodontic infection.
This lecture will summarize the finding of the CBCT outcome studies published so far and will also include some in press data on outcome studies comparing different endodontic instrumentation techniques and single vs two visit endodontics in relation to primary treatments and retreatments. A new approach to the decision making on the restorability of teeth will also be presented
Aims and objectives:
At the end of this lecture the delegates will be able to interpret CBCT images commonly used for the diagnosis of endodontic disease including external cervical, internal resorption and root fractures. The delegates will also be able to use the new DPI score for the evaluation of tooth restorability.
The 3D Revolution in Endodontics
Principles in modern endodontics
Aim: To understand the principles of Modern Endodontics.
To explore the principles of canal preparation.
To understand the biological considerations in preparation.
To explore the principles of obturation.
To use a rotary or reciprocating system for preparation.
To use a heated vertical compacted obturation technique.
To understand the importance of the coronal seal.
Avoiding Procedural Complications in Endodontics
Aim: To explore common causes for procedural complications in endodontics.
Participants should better understand the causes of procedural complications and how to avoid them.
Table top XP instrument demonstrations at the Schottlander stand.
Valid Consent - Where are we today?
Aim: To discuss and review the case law that has shaped the process of obtaining valid consent today.
Discuss and define some of the case law for the last 50 years.
Reviewing how consent has moved from paternalism to autonomy. What is the difference between valid consent and informed consent? What does valid consent mean and the process of obtaining it from your patients.
Trauma Management & Endodontic Care of the Young Patient
Aim: To understand the diagnosis of Endodontic pathology.
To be able to apply current understanding of wound healing biology to guide tissue repair following dental trauma.
Non Dental Facial Pain. A Practical Guide
Aim: To identify some of the types of non dental facial pain which can be confused as being of endodontic origin.
Participants should gain a better understanding of non dental facial pain and their diagnosis.
Minimally Invasive Endo
Aim: To understand the none root filling aspect of Endodontics.
To understand the Endodontist role in preserving a vital pulp and the materials used.
To look at new instrumentation and obturation developments that preserve tooth structure.
An Update in Preparation (hands on course)
Aim: To understand the principles of mechanical preparation.
To understand how to achieve the principles of mechanical preparation using the latest instruments form Schottlander and Dentsply.
To understand changes to the traditional preparation principles.
Aim: To understand the diagnosis of Endodontic pathology.
To understand the process of diagnosing Endodontic pathology.
To explore the complexity of diagnosis in Endodontics, the tools used and the common pitfalls.
Aim: To understand the principles of an ideal access cavity and how they can influence the outcome of your preparation.
To explore the ideal access cavity
To look at instruments used to prepare an access cavity
To understand how an access cavity can influence the treatment outcome
Aim: To identify the different types of resorption and their management.
To identify the different types of resorption
To understand how to diagnose each type
To explore their management
Obturation (limited hands on)
Aim: To explore different techniques of obturation
To understand the importance of the obturation
To look at different techniques of obturation
To look at materials that can be used
To try some of the materials and techniques
Pain Control
Aim: To explore pain management before, during and after endodontic treatment
To understand factors that can influence pain experience
To understand local anaesthesia for endodontics
To explore analgesia
Dento/Legal aspects of endodontics
Lecture by Stephen Henderson Senior Dento-Legal advisor Dental Protection Ltd.
Endodontic Assessment & Identifying Endodontic Referrals
Aim: To review factors involved in assessing cases & diagnostic tools.
Objective: For participants to assess presented cases relating to whether treatment should be attempted or referred.
Contemporary Endodontics
Aim: To review contemporary endodontics
Objective: To identify materials, techniques, and methods used in contemporary endodontics.
Aim: To identify the various irrigants used in Endodontics and their use.
Objective: To identify the solutions used for canal irrigation. To discuss their advantages and disadvantages. To explore how they are applied to the root canal.
Principles in Modern Endodontics
Aim: To understand what are the principles in Modern Endodontics
Objective: To explore the principles of canal preparation.
To understand the biological considerations in preparation.
To explore the principles of obturation.
To use a reciprocating system for preparation
To use a heated vertical compacted obturation technique
To understand the importance of the coronal seal
Endodontic failures
Aim: To identify the causes of Endodontic failures
Objective: To identify the causes of endodontic failures, how we can try avoided them and how they are managed
Essential Practical Endodontics
Aim: To be able to assess endodontic cases. To understand the principles of modern canal preparation, disinfection and obturation
Objective: To be able to fully evaluate the suitability of a case for treatment in general practice. To discuss the ideal features of modern canal preparation and how to achieve them and prevent common complications. To discuss obturation of the canal and the restoration of the endodontically treated tooth. To prepare and obturate a practice block/tooth using minimal instruments and a reciprocating system.
Principles of Preparation, ProTaper Next hands on
Aim: To understand the principles of canal preparation.
Objective: To review the aims of canal preparation. To explore how these can be achieved. To identify common problems that occur during preparation and how to prevent them. To prepare a plastic block using ProTaper Next instruments.
Biodentine - Indications and hands on
Aim: To understand situations where Biodentine (and MTA) can be used in Endodontics.
Objective: To look at the properties of Biodentine (and MTA). To look at clinical situations where the materials can be used. To practice mixing the material and handle the material.
Aim: To understand the principles of managing trauma to the dental tissues.
Objectives: To review the assessment of dental injuries and their classification. To understand the requirements and management of the tissues involved.
Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth
Aim: To understand the importance of the coronal seal and how it can be achieved.
Objective: Participants should appreciate the importance of the coronal seal and its effect on the prognosis of endodontic treatment. They will also be able to use a post and core system
Essential Endodontics. Section 63 Course
This full day course will cover case assessment, treatment planning, canal preparation and canal obturation.
Aim: To update the general dental practitioner on the principles of modern endodontics.
Objectives: To prepare and obturate plastic blocks and/or extracted teeth using reciprocating preparation and vertically compacted gutta percha. These principles can be applied to hand and rotary preparation.
The morning lecture will be focused on preparation.
The morning practical will focus on preparing a plastic block and extracted teeth.
The afternoon lecture will focus on Obturation.
The afternoon practical will be used for finishing off preparation and Obturation.
Mishaps in Endodontics
Aim: To identify and understand the management of common Endodontic mishaps.
Objectives: Participants should be able to identify common Endodontic mishaps, their management and prevention.
WaveOne is a new preparation technique. It allows root canal preparation to be performed with a single disposable instrument used with a reciprocating action.
Aim: To review the role of mechanical instrumentation in endodontics and to use the WaveOne system.
Objectives: Participants should be able to understand the principles of reciprocating preparation. Prepare a plastic block using the WaveOne system, and review the principles of endodontic treatment.
Rotary Preparation
Aim: To demonstrate modern concepts in preparation with an emphasis on rotary preparation.
Objective: For participants to understand the principles of preparation and to prepare a plastic block using rotary instruments.
Joint lecture with Charlotte Spedding Specialist in Periodontics.
Aim: To understand the management of teeth with Perio Endo lesions.
Objective: Participants should be able to assess cases with Perio Endo lesions. To evaluate the factors that can affect the prognosis. To understand the management of Perio Endo lesions.